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Know Anyone's / Friend Mobile Balance by Airtel Trick

So you are here to check or spy on someone
mobile number Am i right? Yeah. Every
telecom operator have their different ways
and processes to know anyone mobile
recharge balance but here we are with the
airtel trick. It's a official process given by
airtel but most of the users don't know about
it. It's not a rocket science, you just have to
dial a number and follow our instructions and
viola you got your answer.

NOTE: We are posting this trick only for
educational purpose and we want to tell you
very clearly that we holds no responsibility
for wrong doing and breaking privacy is never
be a good idea. Do each and everything at
your own risk.


First of all call this unique special number
from your mobile phone:
Yes it's not Free. Normal charges will apply
by Airtel.
After getting connected do select your
language but pressing the key according to
voice instructions.
Then tell them that you are an existing
customer. Now it's time to enter your friends
mobile number then press 1.
It'll ask you for passwords and it's 4444.
Choose Balance/Validity - Balance by
pressing 1. Hurrah your friends mobile
Balance is Rs xxx.
Instead of your friend mobile number you can
enter any number to know the balance but
number should be of Airtel. I hope you'll
enjoy. Isn't it a helpful service.

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